“So I couldn’t have been diagnosed with terminal cancer BEFORE I spent 75k on my fancy honky wedding? Goddammit.”
It happened. I managed to wrangle my mother once more to join me and my brother on-air to discuss terminal cancer patient Brittany Maynard and her decision to take her life and the passing of SNL alum Jan Hooks. Trust me, you won’t hear takes like ours anywhere else, so it’s worth it for that alone. But, if that isn’t enough to sell you, the whole point of the show is that we just fight and scream at each other because we are Greek and thus one generation removed from using indoor plumbing for the first time. And boy do we deliver.
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I really don’t know much about the whole anti-vaxxer movement other than the fact I still would love to rail Jenny McCarthy and she’s probably a loudmouthed dummy that’s incorrect […]
Dawn Marie on October 13, 2014
Great show!!!!! I love Maria.