Yes, all of your Mad Men favorites are back: Knockers McFirecrotch, Silver Fox, British Frogface, That Guy Who Looks Like That Guy Who Fucked Stifler's Mom, Don Draper, Col. Sanders and Ugly Elf. Mad Men returned for its fifth season Sunday after what seemed like a 19 year hiatus, and my tv-rection could not have been bigger. You can’t help but love that show for so many reasons: Fantastic writing and beautiful retro sets. Christina Hendricks’ tits threatening to pop out of her dress every time her heart beats. The words “negro” and “colored” being bandied about without consequence.
There was even a great sex scene with Don burying his meat hook into that new side of French beef he’s married to. For the record, ladies, I bring the same aura of sexual dominance to the boudoir that Mr. Draper does. I’m just shorter, hairier and fatter about it. Jon Ham, if you will. You can leave your phone numbers in the comments.
Are you familiar with The Crying Game? An early-90s thriller with one of the greatest twists in movie history? Well, this episode is Papa’s Basement’s Crying Game. The story my […]
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