Irina, pictured here not doing much to assuage the fears of Middle America that the Jews really are blood suckers.
Former co-hostess Irina returns to the show to tell us about the various antics that have filled her days since leaving the 32,426th-ranked podcast in the world. We also gripe about cell phone battery life. It doesn’t sound like much, but I recall thinking this was a funny episode as I recorded it. Maybe I was just happy I found free food in the greenroom refrigerator. Who knows?
Click here to listen to this episode or press the play button at the bottom of the post. (Or be a real help and enjoy Papa’s Basement via iTunes by clicking here, where you can subscribe to the show and rate it.)
Discussing the latest thing to make me lose faith in all humanity–the Black Friday riots featuring mouthbreathers fighting over shitty, outdated electronics. We also discuss our Thanksgivings and I do […]
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