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It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia‘s “High School Reunion”-Their Best Episode Yet?

admin December 9, 2011

Drinking? On Always Sunny? Why I never...Oh yeah, you can click this picture to watch the episode online for a nominal fee that may or may not wind up in my pocket to keep me in the finest top hats and monocles.

It’s been a while since I wrote about It’s Always Sunny, due to my belief that this season has been in the doldrums since the brilliant “Frank’s Brother” (an episode that I’m aware many of you hated, which shows that my tastes are simply that much more refined than that of the plebs). However, last night’s episode, “The High School Reunion,” might indicate that the season is going to end on a high note. Is it the best episode of Always Sunny yet? Hell no. I just wrote that because it made for a compelling title. But I did like the “THSR,” and here’s why.

I don't want to spoil anything, but...Charlie does some mighty impressive huffing in The High School Reunion.

First and foremost, I defy you to find anything set during a high school reunion that isn’t at least mildly amusing. Even Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion made me laugh, and that starred two women. We all love to think that we have become so much more than we were during our embarrassing teenage years while everyone else in our life at that time has remained where they were (or, in the case of our foes, aggressively devolved). Seeing the Sunny gang try to pretend they had matured leaps and bounds since high school only to have their attempts foiled as the weight of their lies crushed them like ants was fantastic. I won’t spoil the details of what happened (which conveniently lets me skirt having to summarize everything to begin with), but getting to see people outside of “The Gang” tear down our protagonists in the most humiliating of ways was joyous.

I know everyone loves Dayman but...gimmicky, man. Gimmicky.

The other aspect of “The High School Reunion” I found so appealing? It was grounded in reality. So much of It’s Always Sunny the past several seasons has descended into purely sitcom schtick scenarios. It’s sad, really, because I adored the show for avoiding all of that in its first few years. We’ve all live through high school reunions, though (except for that one kid who died in high school). The topic is completely relatable and thus so much more ripe for laughs. So I would like to thank the Always Sunny gang for once again entertaining me and giving me something to look forward to with the season finale week. (Plus I had a marathon sex dream about a girl I’d have given my left nut to pork back in HS thanks to this episode and I’d totally forgotten about it until I started writing this morning. So hot shit, rock ‘n’ roll.)

Still more time to kill at work after reading this? Feel free to read the story of my own high school reunion. Part one can be found here and part two is located here.

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  1. Brian on December 13, 2011

    I hate this show now, but not as much as I hate the modern day Pig Vomit.

    I want to pray to God right now. Jesus Christ, whom I love so much, more than anything in the whole world. I am begging you to please send a hitman to the United States of America and KILL PIG-VOMIT! FINALLY! Thank you! I love you God! I’ll do whatever you say, if you just make that come true.

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