Search Results for: redskins

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Papa's Basement Radio Show

The US Patent Office & The Washington Redskins — Papa’s Basement #400

John Papageorgiou June 19, 2014

Dan Fields of Save It For The Show joins for Papa’s Basement’s 400th episode where we discuss the Redskins losing their trademark, pretending to like the World Cup to sound more cultured than we are and the futility in trying to grow and keep a podcast audience (except for mine, which is obviously growing like an Elephantitis-infected testicle). Click here to listen to this episode using your browser. Click here to listen using the much nicer iTunes player (and subscribe to the show to help our ranking). And mobile users click here to listen via the Stitcher app. (You can […]

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The Redskins Will Kill Me–Washington Redskins 23 – New York Giants 27

admin October 23, 2012

THOUGHTS FROM THE GAME RGIII is Amazing–Really going out on a limb with this one. Before the season began, I figured it would be a story of how the Redskins mortgaged their future for a quarterback who revealed himself to be, at best, a slow learner of the NFL’s ways. Nothing could be further from the truth. I’m not sure there’s a man out there currently I’d prefer under center for my team to he-named-three. He’s mobile. He’s accurate. He even sounds intelligent in post-game conferences. If he Cam Newton’s his sophomore season, I will hang myself with my own […]

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The Redskins Will Kill Me–Washington Redskins 17 – Atlanta Falcons 24

admin October 11, 2012

THOUGHTS FROM THE GAME Billy Cundiff Must Be Released (Update: He Has Been!)–The entire feel of the game on Sunday changed when the Redskins, who had been sticking it to the Atlanta Falcons up until this point, missed a 31-yard field goal. Why did they miss that field goal? Because Billy Cundiff is shook, son! At this point, the guy couldn’t hit Tina Turner’s face with Ike’s fist. Do you know what a gimme a 31-yard field goal should be for an NFL kicker? It’s like asking me to eat a sandwich, look at porn and then nap all afternoon. […]

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The Redskins Will Kill Me–Washington Redskins 24 – Tampa Bay Buccaneers 22

admin October 2, 2012

THOUGHTS FROM THE GAME RGIII is the Real Deal–For two decades, the Redskins have lacked a real quarterback. You know, that guy who, when the game hangs in the balance, takes things on his shoulders and wins the damn thing because failure is not in his vocabulary. He’s akin to a gridiron superhero. And, for 20 years, the Redskins have had horrible, horrible superheroes. Ant-Man. Man-Thing. Marrow. I wouldn’t trust mediocrities like that to rescue a kitten from a tree much less stick it to a stout defense with two minutes left in the game. Well, Robert Griffin III is […]

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The Redskins Will Kill Me–Washington Redskins 28 – St. Louis Rams 31

admin September 18, 2012

Without fail, the arc of a Redskins season follows that of Requiem for a Dream‘s narrative: Things start off okay. Yes, the characters are flawed, but they have a chance. They have hopes and dreams and maybe, just maybe, they’re going to make it. Then, in the second stage, a few bumps in the road occur. There’s still a chance, but things aren’t looking good. And then, there’s stage three. The final phase. That’s where the descent occurs. Arms rot. Elderly women go insane. Someone orders “Ass to ass.” Well, we might only be two weeks into the season, but […]

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The Redskins Will Kill Me–Washington Redskins 40 – New Orleans Saints 32

admin September 11, 2012

“Let me tell you something my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane.” -Red Redding, The Shawshank Redemption Another year, another series of articles from me summarizing each Redskins game. I can’t help it. I was born in DC. The first object to ever hang on my wall was a Redskins pennant. They’re the only team I’ll ever truly love. The usual problem when writing about the Redskins has been that, by week eight, I’m bored with it. It’s tiresome coming up with synonyms for words like “disappointment,” “underachievement” and “abject failure.” (Which is strange, […]

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Chris Cooley Released By Washington Redskins

admin August 29, 2012

I don’t normally make two click demands before an article has even started, but please go here for the proper mood music to read this by. Yesterday, in a move that had been anticipated for a while yet still came as a shock, the Redskins announced they were parting ways with veteran tight end Chris Cooley. It pains me to refer to him as a veteran because Chris is almost two years younger than me and the notion that a man of 30 is washed up has me feeling very mortal and wondering who enjoys the briefer career pinnacle: football […]

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The Washington Redskins Will Draft RGIII Tonight

admin April 26, 2012

Barring something truly shocking, the Redskins will select Baylor’s Robert Griffin III with the second overall pick in the 2012 NFL Draft to be the first franchise quarterback the team has seen since Girl-Legs McProstate. My excitement regarding the move is tempered by the fact that rookies, no matter how sure a bet, are still a crapshoot and that the Redskins traded everything short of an inch from their collective penises for the draft pick. Also, I’m hearing a lot of comparisons of RGIII to Michael Vick. Why does every black quarterback have to be compared to Michael Vick? Maybe […]

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The Redskins Must Sign Peyton Manning

admin March 8, 2012

The Redskins organization, if it knows what’s good for it, will sign Peyton Manning. It’s a move surrounding by questions: Is Peyton healthy? Are the Redskins ready to contend? Is an almost-36-year-old quarterback worth it? As I see it, the answers are: Irrelevant, no and yes (but not for the reasons you think he is). So why do I want Peyton Manning on the Redskins? To shut the team’s retarded fanbase the fuck up for a few years while it can properly rebuild. Winning the Super Bowl is akin to enjoying a massive, farm-fresh feast at the end of harvest […]

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Papa's Basement Radio Show

Where Is Thumbkin? — Papa’s Basement 613

John Papageorgiou October 27, 2019

I (all too soon, apparently) celebrate the World Series success of the Washington Nationals, which really hit the spot given 1. The Redskins suck and it’s time to move on and 2. I grew up playing baseball (fat kid outfielders unite), and really missed it. But the highlight of the episode is the finale, where Joe voices a certain part of Eva’s anatomy in a way that creeps her out deeply and genuinely. Click here to listen to the latest episode of Papa’s Basement in your browser or here to open and listen in iTunes (you can also use the […]

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Stranger Things Papa's Basement Comedy Podcast DC

Papa's Basement Radio Show

Stranger Things (I Love You, Barb) — Papa’s Basement 504

John Papageorgiou July 28, 2016

(As a preamble to the episode description, I want to present this link to the Papa’s Basement Patreon. For those unfamiliar with Patreon, it lets you contribute monthly to smaller content producers – like us – that you love. The link also has a funny video we took months working on. Even if you don’t plan to cough up, it’s worth the click.) I’m a video streaming junkie. I confess it. My brain, in its quest for any drop of dopamine it can get its depleted hands on, has identified high-carb food and Netflix as its means of choice. So, […]

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DC Comedy Podcast

Papa's Basement Radio Show

The Muscles From Brussels Doesn’t Lose — Papa’s Basement 486

John Papageorgiou March 25, 2016

He was like a Brando that could throw a punch. The Muscles from Brussels. We tried to use the terror attacks in Brussels to remember the great things about that city. Since we are uncultured dolts, our list began and ended with Jean-Claude Van Damme, aka The Muscles From Brussels. Not familiar with his work? Watch the final fight from Bloodsport here and be awed. Then, click here to rent the film from Amazon (because I know you’ll be clamoring for the full dong after an inch of that 80s goodness). We also discuss Alfred Morris leaving the Redskins to […]

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DC Comedy Podcast

Papa's Basement Radio Show

Frank Gifford Died (And Banged Suzen Johnson) — Papa’s Basement 461

John Papageorgiou August 12, 2015

Frank Gifford died over the weekend. And, while we on the Papa’s Basement Show could celebrate his professional accomplishments: 1. The man was a New York Giant and I’m a Redskins fan, so fuck that, and 2. It’s way more fun to discuss both where Frank stuck his dick and what he made with it. Why, you may ask? Because Frank cheated back in the day on Kathy Lee with this amazing MILF and was responsible for creating maybe the blondest Jewish chick to ever live. I tip my cap on both counts. Last but not least, we have fun […]

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Papa's Basement Radio Show

Josh Duggar Molests 19 Kids and Counting — Papa’s Basement 452

John Papageorgiou May 25, 2015

“Ay yi yi! Es Josh Duggar! Me ha molestado!” With these words, the world learned of the molestorial (that isn’t a word) misdeeds of Josh Duggar, the oldest child of Jim Bob (that is, somehow, a name) and Michelle Duggar of 19 Kids and Counting fame, who apparently touched several of his younger siblings where their bathing suit covers when he was 15. He and his parents have since tried to very ineffectively spin the incident as youthful horsing around, but Eva, Othello and I get into why there is no way the guy stopped touching kids at 15. We […]

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Reviewing Get Hard Without Having Seen it

John Papageorgiou March 30, 2015

Black people hate Will Ferrell like his birth name was Slavery Lynch’em. I have a friend named Rich who is, for lack of a better way of putting it, traditionally white in many of his mannerisms. He owns a Green Lantern shirt. His car contains Metallica CDs. He openly acknowledges OJ’s guilt. But bring up Will Ferrell and his genial smile fades, his head slowly shaking like he just heard a statue was being built in memory of James Earl Ray. I’m not sure why such a racial divide exists when it comes to Mr. Ferrell, but it’s there. The […]

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